LionHeartKIng Wiki

(Looking over the skyline of the city of Cleveland, Ohio.)

Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2019

Male announcer: Luna Nox Ali. The inside of her mind contains boiling hot magma and searing fire.

(The interior of Luna's head can be seen with the same descryptions as the announcer.)

Male Announcer: The skins of the souls of the dead are boiling and sizzling. Their mouths are ripped open. Their agonized screams dry their throats. This is exactly like Hell.

(Luna Noz Ali appears as her normal state (what will later become her 50% form), with long black flowing hair that reaches to her waist and covers her right eye. She is wearing a lab coat.)

Male Announcer: The Cleveland State University has just discovered the secret of interdimensional travel.

(Luna is getting in what appears to be a spherical shaped container with a dark blue seat.)

Male Announcer: As a volunteer, Luna vouches to be a test subject.

(As the container is rising in what appears to be a light blue space-like portal on the ceiling, an explosion of blue flames erupt from the portal, engulfing the machine Luna is in.)

Male Announcer: However, something goes wrong. It appears Luna has been assassinated!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Type-0
Summer 2018
